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What to Expect

Referral Information


Please call to refer your child for a speech pathology assessment.  A doctor's referral is not necessary.  If you are unsure if you should refer your child, you are welcome to call to discuss your personal situation.  


Melanie provides speech pathology supports to self and plan managed National Disability Insurance Scheme participants.  She accepts referrals through the Medicare Rebate Scheme - Chronic Disease Management (formally known as Enhanced Primary Care Plan) and Helping Children with Autism. Please note there is still a fee gap in these plans.


Initial Consultation


The initial consultation takes about an hour and involves discussing your concerns regarding communication as well as medical history, development and family history.  Please bring along any relevant reports.


Assessment of younger children is play based and more formal assessments and checklists are used if necessary.  Older children may be assessed whilst engaging in a range of language, literacy and speech activities including formal assessments.


Therapy & Goals


If ongoing therapy needs are identified, goals and intervention strategies are mainly family based and where possible blended into your everyday activities.  Focused time each day may also be recommended to develop new skills.  Again this is conducted in play and fun activities.  The aim of therapy is to involve you, the parents and carers so you have the skills and knowledge to work with your child.  If other providers are working with your child, sharing of information between each member is important to ensure there is a collaborative, consistent team around your child.


Contact is often made with Education/Care Centres to obtain information about the impact of your child's communication issues in these settings.  Therapy goals and strategies are collaborated with educators to ensure consistency of approaches.





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