Melanie West
Speech Pathology
About Melanie
Melanie West
Melanie has been a practising speech pathologist specialising in paediatrics for over 25 years. Her experience has included working in hospitals, community health and primary healthcare settings as well as private practice. Melanie has a passion for working with preschool children and their families to optimise their communication potential and assisting them to incorporate therapy into their everyday lives. She has a particular expertise in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder and can provide services through the National Disability Insurance Scheme. She can act as a 'Key Worker' for those families seeking transdisciplinary support. Melanie is a certified Hanen "It takes two to talk" and "More Than Words" presenter and incorporates these priniciples into her service. She has certificate training in DIR floortime. These principles of social emotional development, incorporating the child's individual differneces and always referring to the child's relationship development heavily guides her practice. Other guiding philosophies include the use of the SCERTS Framework and Marte Meo. Melanie has also been trained in the SOS (Sequential Oral Sensory) approach to feeding.
David Coe
Established the practice and now in his retirement acts as practice manager and coffee barrista!